Thursday, February 27, 2020

Answer these questions on Judiasm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer these questions on Judiasm - Assignment Example The religion also includes a practice of meditation especially the letters that make the word God (YHWH). The history of Judaism religious texts is the Torah and Jews worship in Synagogues. Jewish relationship with God is a covenant and Jews must keep God’s laws. Some holy days according to Judaism include Hanukkah, Purim, Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot and Sabbath (Atkinson 56). Men’s circumcision is central to Judaism beliefs. Some Judaism rites include the child birth rites whereby male child is given a name after circumcision while wedding ceremonies entail the breaking of a plate in symbolism of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. In addition, Judaism requires the Jews to pray three times a day (Wood 67). The rise of Synagogue system was precipitated by the destruction of the original worship center that was the Temple in Jerusalem. King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem as an Ark of the Covenant. In 586 BC, it was destroyed by Babylonians, but later built o n smaller scale by Herod in the 1st century. Subsequently, Herod’s temple was destroyed in 70 AD by Romans. The remains of the Herod’s Temple are the western retaining wall that acts as important place for prayer, gathering and pilgrimage (Wood 78). The rise of Synagogue system started during the 6th Century BC during Babylonian exile since Jews could assemble in quorums of about ten men and pray. Several Synagogues were set in Jerusalem in order to cater for ex-slaves and freedmen and Apostle Paul used Synagogues to teach Christianity to the Jews. Synagogues were built on a raised place near the neighboring houses and acted as both social institutions and religious institutions during Jesus time. In this regard, Synagogues act as place of prayers and study of Jewish teachings (Wood 113). Conservative orthodox and reformed Jewish traditions have certain clear distinctions. Conservative Jewish tradition is also referred as Masorti Judaism and conserves the traditional e lements of Judaism while allowing for rabbinical development. According to its origin, the European movements seemed too radical thus there was a need to protect ancient Jewish traditions while appreciating modern change (Atkinson 45). It traces it origins in Germany, but it spread highly in the United States. It regards Israel as the only birthplace of Jewish people and their final destiny and asserts that Hebrew is irreplaceable language of Jewish people. Accordingly, Conservative Jewish traditions are devoted to Klal Yisrael that aims at worldwide Jewish unity and study of Torah. In addition, Conservative Judaism views Jewish life as governed by Halakhah (Jewish Law) since it is the expression of the will of God. It provides participation of both Men and Women in Synagogue prayers and all aspects of Jewish life. Though its accepts change such a cessation of Temple sacrifices, it entails a careful study before acceptance of the change (Wood 98). On the other hand, Orthodox Jewish traditions entails the traditional Jewish practices and beliefs. Orthodox Jewish ignored the Reform movements by retaining the traditional Jewish practices. For instance, Orthodox Synagogues have separate sitting places for men and women (Wise 20). A quorum of ten is necessary before commencement of service and all services are conducted only by male rabbis and in Hebrew language. Orthodox households maintain the traditional laws on diet and rules strictly prohibit any manual labour on

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

You Decide Week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You Decide Week 7 - Essay Example aled that one of the company’s sales persons, Pat Lawson, was currently exhibiting problems coping with new procedures and technology to service customers better and increase sales. She had been with the company for 15 years and was revealed to have serviced the company’s largest customers effectively. With Pat’s struggles, she was reflecting on quitting her job. In this regard, in the capacity of Bob Yeader, the Sales Manager, the following analysis of the situation, the problem and the options are hereby evaluated: The apparent root problem for Pat’s supposed difficulties in coping with the current situation is the installation of new procedures and technology designed to improve customer service and increase productivity and sales. As validated by Jack Mason, Bob Yeader’s consultant, the lack of appropriate training to orient their people on the use of new technology and procedures was the main culprit for Pat’s dilemma: her inability to cope with requirements posed by the new technological procedures without being properly trained. 1. Status Quo: Do Nothing. Wait for the natural courses of action to happen. In this alternative, the most probable scenario is that Pat Lawson would eventually tender her resignation. The advantage of this option is that there would be no changes in the work place and, as suggested by George Fish, new graduates could replace Pat’s position immediately. However, the disadvantage of this alternative is that both Chris Nihil, the HR Manager, and Jack Mason acknowledge the exemplary performance of Pat Lawson, who has been with the company for 15 years. The competency in handling large and complicated accounts has already been recognized to be attributable to Pat’s experience in the field of sales and customer service. By doing nothing, the company would be losing Pat and it might cost them more to train new hires to do Pat’s responsibilities. 2. Provide Training for the New Technology and Procedures. The standard