Thursday, September 3, 2020

Macbeth - The Importance Of Night :: essays research papers

At the point when I contemplated the job that the word "night" would play in the deplorable play "Macbeth," I found that there were an assortment of conceivable outcomes. Promptly, I thought of the evening time as a time of rest and rejuvenation. I expected this would permit characters to recuperate from the day's numerous requests. Also, I associated the night to the obscure. In the night's shroud of murkiness, a lot a larger number of things could go unfamiliar than in the noteworthy light of day. Next, I felt that the night would mean weakness. As the night shut in, everybody starts to slow down, not anticipating any genuine activity until the breaking of the first light. Also, while one is dozing, they are powerless to nearly anything. The most coherent chance to make an assault would be after dusk. In conclusion and maybe in particular, is night's relationship with evilness. As kids, we were all terrified of frightful beasts that hid in the mu rkiness of night. The night has for some time been accepted to have powerful creatures and events. As I read the play and happened upon the word "night," I was shocked to find that each of the four parts of my speculation were right. In the first place, in act I, we see the main utilization, night as a period for rest and rejuvenation. In scene iii, lines 19-23, the First Witch says, Rest will neither night nor day/Hang upon his penthouse top;/He will live a man disallow:/Weary sev'nights multiple times nine/Shall he diminish, pinnacle, and pine:/Though his bark can't be lost,/Yet it will be whirlwind hurled. Here, she is rebuffing the mariner by denying him of his rest, which she understands is significant for anybody to work typically. Without the capacity to recover following each difficult day's worth of effort, one would become feeble and in the end begin to lose one's psyche. Next, we can watch night's association with the obscure. As found in my promise diary, Lady Macbeth calls, Come, thick night,/And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of heck,/That my sharp blade see not the injury it makes,/Nor paradise peep through the cover of the dim,/To cry "Hold, hold!" Without the lack of definition of night, she would not have encouraged Macbeth to execute the lord as she did. The night, in any case, gives her the feeling that Macbeth can to be sure execute King Duncan with nobody revealing his detestable wrongdoing, a similar thought that Macbeth had when he stated, "Stars, shroud your flames;/Let not light observe my dark and profound wants.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Identify the positive outcomes for children

Distinguish the constructive results for kids and youngsters that specialists ought to endeavor to accomplish BY jess663 CYP center 37 2. 1 Identify the constructive results for kids and youngsters that experts ought to endeavor to accomplish The 5 constructive results for kids and youngsters that specialists ought to endeavor to accomplish under the system of Every Child Matters are: 1 †To be solid: getting a charge out of good physical and emotional well-being and carrying on with a sound way of life. Genuinely sound Mentally and sincerely solid Sexually healthyHealthy ways of life Choose not to consume unlawful medications Being solid isn't Just about eating loads of products of the soil 8 glasses of water every day. It's about youngsters appreciating a sound way of life, liking themselves and having great passionate and emotional well-being. We trust that all youngsters ought to approach wellbeing administrations, great nourishment and a decent way of life. 2 †Stay safe : being shielded from damage and disregard. Safe from abuse, disregard, viciousness and sexual misuse Safe from coincidental injury and passing Safe from harassing and discriminationSafe from wrongdoing and against social conduct all through school Have security, solidness and are thought about We ought to consistently ensure that the entirety of the youngsters are secured and shielded. We follow the right methodology with respect to youngster assurance issues. We guarantee the structure is protected. We chance survey the lobby and ensure the windows and entryways are secure. We ensure that all staff are fittingly checked and screened. We guarantee that there is no hardware that is risky. During circle time we go over the standards and guidelines in the setting.We do a fire drill once a term so they recognize what to do. 3 †Enjoy and accomplish: taking advantage of life and building up the abilities for adulthood. We ought to be empowering students to gain great ground in their work and self-improvement and to make the most of their instruction, including: Ready for school Attend and appreciate school social turn of events and appreciate entertainment We ensure the youngsters are appreciate going to our setting, giving a scope of exercises, ensuring it is fun just as empowering them to learn.We get criticism from them about what exercises they like or dislike. We give the kids a specific level of decision for exercises and tidbit. The guardians additionally get bulletins about what we are doing each term and are urged to address their youngster about the theme, go along and address the kid's keyworker or individual from staff, or acquire things pertinent to the particular subject, opening times, occasions and so on. Make a positive commitment: being associated with the network and society and not participating in hostile to social or culpable behaviour.Engage in dynamic and bolster the network and condition Engage in aw-withstanding and positive conduct a ll through school Develop positive connections and decide not to menace and segregate Develop fearlessness and effectively manage critical life changes and difficulties Develop venturesome conduct If we attempt our best to guarantee that the kid makes some upbeat memories at our setting, it helps their certainty and confidence. They will need to partake and mingle. They appreciate what they are doing when they come to us and need to partake in what we offer for them.As they grow up they will need to go to class and have a decent ducation and afterward proceed to find a decent Line of work and have a decent personal satisfaction. 5 †Achieve monetary prosperity: not being forestalled by financial hindrance from accomplishing their maximum capacity throughout everyday life. Take part in further instruction, business or preparing on leaving school Ready for work Live in nice homes and reasonable networks Access to move and material merchandise Live in family units liberated from lo w pay This connects to making a positive commitment. In the event that they are glad and need to accomplish, at that point they will need to be fruitful and accomplish and have a decent personal satisfaction.

Friday, August 21, 2020

To what extent do the accounts of turn taking in conversation Essay

What exactly degree do the records of turn taking in discussion portrayed in Sacks, schegloff and Jefferson (1974) and Duncan ( 1972) concur with one another - Essay Example For instance, we now all understand that the speaker who says Its me isn't disregarding a standard of English by which he should state, Its I. Rather, the misstep has a place with the grammarian who considers it a mistake. Speaker progress without hole or cover is a component of the social association of discussion, accomplished in every case without even a moment's pause. For instance, members don't reflectively achieve it by altering their memory of a discussion. They don't, in the primary occasion, go outside the discussion so as to report infringement to refs, cops, prophets, and so on., with the expectation that outer offices will rebuff the violators. There is, at that point, a social association to turn-taking which has as one of its appropriate items that each individual talks in turn: Achieving this item expects members to experience and explain at any rate two undertakings: the cooperative area of progress focuses, and the community oriented utilization of means for showing up at who talks after any present speaker (Beattie, 1983). These are assignments which, on the arranged events of their answer, are undertakings of comprehension. Also, members so decipher them. They take neglecting to tal k when one has been chosen to and another stops as proof of neglecting to comprehend what has been said. The particular sorts of understanding required for accomplishing appropriate turn-taking are dictated by how turn-taking is socially composed. For instance, if discussion were organized with the goal that the request for speakers and the lengths of their articulations were pre-doled out for entire discussions, turn-taking would force rather negligible errands of comprehension upon members (Duncan, 1972). They work so as to necessitate that gatherings to a discussion accomplish broad work of comprehension if their arrangement of turn-taking is to work as it does. Both utilize expression units which should be continually checked for their culmination. Both work to choose future speakers in a one

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Significance Of Moral Integrity - Free Essay Example

In accordance to the Singapore Nursing Boards (SNB) Nurses pledge (2018a), newly graduated Nurses are required to recite, I will uphold the integrity of the professional nurse. Integrity refers to an internal quality within oneself, demonstrating moral consistency and responsibilities (SNB, 2018a). Consequently, Moral integrity is affiliated with ethical knowledge and moral acts that are impacted by mutually accepted ethical standards and principles (Lasala, 2009). Ethics cover the theory while morals cover the practice (Bryant Velle, 2018). As nursing centers around people and health, Registered Nurses (RNs) should practice with moral integrity critically. The purpose of this paper is to to uphold the integrity of the professional nurse by establishing the significance of moral integrity in the clinical practice. Significance of Moral Integrity in Nursing Practice The public trusts nurses; trust, however, is not an entitlement, but a privilege (Lasala, 2009). Ethical behavior is a vital component of nursing practice, and may be influenced by the opinions and actions of peers (Hart and Morgan, 2010). As nurses are depicted to be knowledgeable, caring and competent as patient advocators, they are the bridge between healthcare providers and patients. Granted that a nurses interventions are moral, nurses should practice with the patients best interests in mind. With increased role responsibility and demand, nurses face additional challenges to integrate moral concepts, values and integrity (Lasala, 2009). Possessing moral integrity in the face of these challenges are relevant in clinical practice, as RNs may tend to cut corners through immoral acts. Depending on the individuality of virtues and morality, nurses misconduct, particularly in integrity, could cause a mishap in patient care. According to Jones, Johnstone Duke (2016), cutting corners creates gaps, contributing to preventable adverse events. Not withstanding the fact that it is human to err, negligence or immoral acts may lead to irreversible outcomes, further emphasizing the significance of moral integrity in nursing. Integrity itself does not exclusively refer to responsibility and moral consistency, it also refers to demonstrating responsibility and accountability for care within scope of practice and level of competence (SNB, 2018b). According to one of the Core Competencies by the SNB (2018b), demonstrating accountability for ones development has been a requirement to uphold the integrity of nursing as a Profession. As Aristotle expatiates, Education is an ornament in prosperity and refuge in adversity (Singh, N., 2018). In other words, if RNs excludes themselves in upgrading their skillsets, many would second-guess whether RNs are antiquated or too comfortable in their area of expertise. Thus, RNs should be proactive in developing themselves; to ensure evidence-based practice is in place, facilitating competent patient care. Conclusion Upholding the integrity of a professional nurse is not a statement that should be lightly treaded on, as it carries a heavy weight on the shoulders of RNs. Following the aforementioned points, the prevalence of moral integrity in clinical practice is paramount in upholding the integrity of professional nurse. Nurses whom strive to uphold integrity should keep in mind that moral practices should be kept consistently; although challenges may arise, ethical standards should be utilized as a guideline. Conclusively, integrity may vary inconsistently between nurses, but specific sets of integrity principles should be emphasized, establishing the significance of moral integrity in clinical practice to uphold the integrity of the professional nurse.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Role of Teaching - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1499 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/05 Category Education Essay Level High school Tags: Teacher Essay Did you like this example? What is my issue and why is it an issue? The role of teaching is undervalued in our society as evidenced by the low wages that teachers earn regardless of their levels of education and experience. Teachers deserve to get paid more due to the importance of their role and the hard work and long hours involved. Teacher pay has been a debate for a long time, yet there are still changes that need to occur. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Role of Teaching" essay for you Create order I believe that teachers play a critical role in our society and deserve to get paid more money. Teachers do more than just teach. They make a significant impact on students lives, not only educationally, but they also often provide stability and resources for students who may be in need. Teachers also develop relationships with their students, make them feel valued, and act as role models. The pressures of growing up in today’s world create a lot of stress and issues for students, and teachers have such responsibility to support their students development and growth. Teachers chose to go into a career field that helps others and makes a difference. Not only do they spend time teaching in the classroom nine months out of the year, but they also spend a lot of their time outside of the classroom preparing for their next day. Once they complete their seven hour day in the classroom, they spend their nights grading homework and creating lesson plans. Not only this, a lot of teachers coach sports and clubs so they can earn a little extra money. Teaching is an around the clock job and it includes nights and weekend work. Aside from the roles in the school, many teachers also work second jobs because they just arent making enough money to support themselves and their families. The majority of teachers are raising families, but how are they supposed to do that when they are at work all day, coaching, and working second jobs just to meet ends meet? Why is this issue important to me? It is a known fact within our society that teachers are underpaid, yet highly valued. It is common knowledge that the teaching profession does not pay enough, which also impacts the ability to attract and retain people to the profession. The low pay causes many people to look down upon the profession simply because we live in a country that values money and status. It’s very frustrating as a future educator to see how little is being done about this issue and I worry about whether or not this will impact my career and financial future. Other helping professions, such as nursing, have much higher wages and more people are attracted to the profession due to the higher pay. For such a valuable role in educating our children and our society, it makes no sense why teachers are undervalued. Considering the increasing violence in our schools and the mental health issues faced by youth and adolescence, the role of the teacher is more critical than it has ever been in our history. I am passionate about taking steps towards creating a difference for higher teacher pay. As a college student, I am able to experience and learn about all the hard work that goes into being a teacher as I work towards getting my degree. Primary Source One Colorado Amendment 64 amended the constitution of the state of Colorado and outlined a statewide drug policy for cannabis (CDE 2018). When this amendment was passed, voters approved that a portion of the tax revenue from marijuana sales would go to fund education in the state. One percent of the tax revenue goes towards the states total education budget. The money was aimed to go towards construction, bullying prevention, and behavioral health. An article written by Coloradoan talks about how money from marijuana sales isnt benefiting Colorado education as much as they hoped (Ragan, 2018). On average, it costs about $17 million to build a brand new school. As stated in the Colorado Amendment 64, one percent of the tax revenue from marijuana sales goes to Colorados education budget. This ends up being about $40 million. If one school itself costs $17 million, they wont have even close to enough money to fund schools, especially because there are many school districts in the state of C olorado competing for this money to go towards their schools. This amendment could have potentially helped enhance the lives of teachers in their classrooms, but the fact that it didnt serve much of a purpose shows how teachers and education are still undervalued. Primary Source Two An article written by 12 News states that, teachers could face discipline, lose their teaching credentials or even lose their job (Resnik 2018). This is a violation to these peoples rights written in the constitution. According to the United States Constitution, Amendment 1 states that, people have the right to assemble, protest and petition peacefully about their grievances against government. (U.S. Const. Amend. I). This amendment shows how all people, in this case all teachers, have the right to petition against the government. They shouldn’t have to face the threat of losing their job just because they are protesting something they strongly believe in. Protests against teacher pay is a current issue in the United States. A recent protest, is the Red for Ed campaign, which was created by educators in Arizona. This campaign serves as a way for teachers and education advocates to speak out against low teaching salaries. The Red for Ed campaign spread across all of the United States and created walkouts and protests in many different states. This was a way for teachers to come together and work towards a common cause. Unfortunately, there were some repercussions to this. Specifically in Arizona, jobs were at risk if Arizona teachers chose to walk out. Secondary Source One This past week, TIMES Magazine came out with a powerful cover page regarding teacher pay. The article emphasized how teachers in America are struggling to pay their bills (Reilly 2018). A teacher in Kentucky talked about how on top of teaching, she works three jobs and donates blood plasma, just to make extra money. She earned her masters degree two decades ago and never thought she would struggle so bad financially. She works an eleven hour school day and goes to a second job right after, trying to supplement her $55,000 annual salary. According to the Department of Education, teachers are experiencing the lowest pay wages since 1990. Another woman in the article is a fourth-generation educator who is struggling and says she wants to be paid for what she’s worth. Her and her daughter share a bed in a small apartment. She spends $1,000 of her own money a year on supplies, but has been laid off three times due to budget cuts. Just these two examples are teachers in our country is enough evidence as to why teachers should get paid more. Teacher pay is continuing to only get worse, which is why we need to work together to raise teacher pay. Teachers are going to continue to protest and leave the profession, which our country cannot afford. Secondary Source Two A good way to put low teaching salaries in the United States into perspective is by comparing the salaries to much higher teaching salaries in countries outside of the United States (Stoltzfus 2017). One of the world’s wealthiest countries is Luxembourg, which pays its educators more than any other country, up to $137,000 in U.S. dollars. Luxembourg pays new teachers $79,000, which is more than teachers in the United States earn, no matter what their education level and credentials are or how much experience they have. Other countries, like Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, pay their educators over double what the United States pays. A lot of other countries base their teacher pay on gender, length of time them have taught, and what grade they teach. Teacher pay has to do with a lot of factors, like cost of living, school districts, and years of experience. Overall, the United States is falling behind in how they treat their educators and needs to step up in order to compete with other countries. The United States is a well developed country and there is no reason why our education system should not focus on higher pay and teacher quality like these other countries. Addresses My first addressee will be Betsy Devos, who is the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Devos serves as an advocate for children and a voice for parents. She works with President Donald Trump to help gain equal opportunities for a good education for all students. I think that it would be good to write to Devos because she has the power to make strides towards increasing teacher pay and to change the future of education. My second addressee will be Donald Trump. As the President of the United States, he has the power to support and make changes to teacher pay and funding in schools.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Violent Video Games And Its Influence On Behavior

The Timing of Violent Video Games and Its Influence on Aggressive Behaviors What images pop up in your head when you hear the word aggression? Have you ever thought whether violence portrayed in different forms of media make people more aggressive? The immediate reaction to such a word is fighting or violence. Many issues are determinants of aggression but media violence has played a huge role in influencing aggressive behavior. Over the past years, aggression has been tied to numerous video games that are violent in many different ways. Aggression has been defined as â€Å"behavior motivated by feelings of anger and hostility and whose primary aim is to harm another, either physically or psychologically (Gilovich, Keltner, Chen Nisbett, 2016). Even though individuals do not realize, many aspects pertaining to violent video games have been thought to be correlated with aggression in individuals who play them. Some issues include how violent they are, how long the games are engaged in and what age the individual is. In this present pape r, the timing of a violent video game and its role in influencing aggression, is investigated. Society, unknowingly, has been exposed to huge amounts of violent images through social media, web searches and video games (Gilovich et al., 2016, p. 493). After such horrific happenings around the world, society has started to show interest in the role of violent games on those who play such games (Sherry, 2001). In thisShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games Influence Violent Behavior in Children1538 Words   |  7 Pages2010 Violent Video Games Influence Violent Behavior in Children Many people still do not believe that violent video games could influence violent behavior in children. They think that video games are just for entertainment and nothing more than that. Even though there are several cases where video games have been blamed or held responsible for violent actions, some people fail to consider the fact that violent video games do influence violent actions. One perfect example where violent video (Doom)Read MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children And Adolescents Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the hottest issues in the media in the past decade is violence in video games and how violent video games influence aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. Some psychologists believe violent video games influence violent behavior in children through social learning and modeling behaviors after characters in video games that â€Å"glorify† violence and criminals (Schultz Schultz, 2013, p. 331). Other psychologists argue that other factors, such as poor socioeconomic statusRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior?1128 Words   |  5 PagesAmanda Cummings Essay Lesson II Do Violent Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior? How and why does mass media influence aggressive behavior? More specifically, does playing video games cause aggressive behavior? Because children and teenagers spend an increased amount of time each day viewing/playing video games, they are shaping their values, attitudes, and behaviors. For people who do act out aggressively, the results can be deadly. Monthly, the news is filled with blood-chillingRead MoreCauses Of Video Games1309 Words   |  6 Pagesword of video games comes to mind, the word violence ties closely to video games. For example, images of children tossing their controller across the room or children breaking numerous of expensive equipment are commonly depicted in media. Therefore, countless of people, mainly parents, associate video games as a way to corrupt their children and evoke violent behavior. This leads to the belief that video games are the evil villains in the entertainment industry. However, what if video games are notRead MoreImpact of Violent Vide o Games on Adolescents Essay1316 Words   |  6 PagesVideo games already have a bad reputation when it comes to the teenage generation. The video games that are being released in the past ten years have caused some speculation if they are suitable for kids to play. Some states have even tried getting involved with the issue by banning the distribution of offensive video games to minors. First-person shooting games have increased in popularity, and some experts say it is also increases violent behavior in the adolescents that are playing it. The increaseRead MoreSociety’s Most Recent Scapegoat: Video Gaming1637 Words   |  7 Pages Rebellious, violent behavior in youth is often treated simplistically – whether Elvis Presley’s latest hits, the programs airing on Saturday night television, or the newest film playing in theaters were popular amongst children and young adults, the blame for unfavorable behavior has always had its scapegoat. One of the most recent additions to society’s scapegoats is video gaming. Whether the objective of a given game is to fight crime or cause it, the morality of video games is often questionedRead MoreVideo Game : Video Games1658 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games first entered into the world around the 1970s, while the violence started occurring in the games about 20 years later (Anderson and Bushman 354). Some of the first violent video games included â€Å"Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Wolfenstein 3D† which had amazing effects that were top notch at the time (Anderson and Bushman 354). Wolfenstein 3D was the first big video game that gave gamers the opportunity to shoot in the first person point of view (Anderson, Buckley, and Gentile 5). OverRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Youth s Social And Communal Activities1231 Words   |  5 Pagesto examine the effect of video games on youth’s social and communal activities. The results showed that the youth that have ever played some social video games had more social and political capab ility than people who never played social video games. Among young gamers, 63% people have heard or seen â€Å"people becoming mean and more aggressive while playing violent games†, 49% people have heard or seen â€Å"people becoming hateful, racist and violent while playing violent games† and more people, 78% peopleRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Youth Of America1454 Words   |  6 Pagestelevision, radio, newspapers, and video games practically any time they want. The violence in media, along with the availability of media are increasing, however the most predominant form of media for children is video games. Because of this, many are concerned with the effects on the youth. The violence in video games is a cause for aggressive emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the youth of America. Media is defined as the main means for mass communication. Video games, television, radios, newspapersRead MoreViolent Video Games : Positive And Negative Effects On Children And Adolescents774 Words   |  4 Pagesgaming systems, violent video games have become well-liked by children and adolescents. The playing of violent video games has always been a controversial topic, but in recent years it has become a heated debate. Whether the playing of these games desensitize the player or not. Video games have been around since the late 1970s, however violent video games were introduced in the 1990s. In recent years the violence in games have increased along with the enhanced graphics making the games more realistic

Microbiology Unknown free essay sample

Read the Latex Agglutination Test information provided and answer the following: 1. What does agglutination mean? Clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies. 2. Since we are in microbiology we are looking for the clumping of Epitopes found on the surface of Antigen that will bind to specific Antibody that were made by Immune system(B cells). 3. What will a positive result look like? Clumping. 4. What will a negative result look like? Dilute liquid no clumping. Latex Agglutination Test The latex agglutination test is a laboratory method to check for certain antigens in a variety of bodily fluids including saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, or blood. The sample is mixed with latex beads coated with a specific antibody. If the suspected substance is present (the specific antigen), the latex beads (with the specific antibody) will clump together with the antigen (agglutinate). AntigenAntibodyattached to beads in liquid When the antigen shape matches the antibody shape, they will bind to each other and the cells/antibody/antigen will clump together (as below). We will write a custom essay sample on Microbiology Unknown or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Notice how the dark spots are clumping in the liquid. When the antigen shape does not match the antibody shape, they will not bind to each other (see below). Notice that there are no clumps in the liquid. Procedure a) Place a drop of the Latex Control liquid in one of the circles on the test card. The Latex Control liquid will have the liquid contain the latex beads with no antibodies attached. b) Aseptically remove a colony from an agar plate and place it on the circle with the Control liquid. c) With the sterile loop, mix the liquid with the colony. d) Place a drop of the Latex Test liquid in the second circle on the test card. The Latex Test liquid will have the liquid with antibodies for a specific microbe (in our class, the antigen is for Staph aureus) attached to the latex beads . e) Aseptically remove a colony from an agar plate and place it in a second circle marked on the test card. f) With the sterile loop, mix the liquid with the colony. ) Compare the mixtures of the two colonies. 5. In the space below, diagram the results of the Agglutination Test. Use color where appropriate. Preparing for class Day 1 Read the Enterotube II System information provided and answer the following: 1. What types of bacteria will the Enterotube II Test identify? E coli. 2. What informa tion will the Enterotube II Test give us? ID gram-neg, glucose fermenting, oxiase-negative enterobacteriaceae. The Enterotube II System The basic philosophy of the Enterotube II System is the speed, ease and low cost in the identification of gram negative, glucose fermenting, oxidase-negative Enterobacteriaceae. The Enterotube II System consists of a single tube containing 12 compartment, each containing a different agar culture medium. There are compartments that require aerobic conditions and have small openings that allow air in; those compartments that require anaerobic conditions have a layer of paraffin wax on the top of the media. There is a self- enclosed inoculating needle or wire that runs through the center of the tube. The end of the needle can touch an isolated bacterial colony and then in one movement can be drawn through the 12 compartments so that every compartment is inoculated. [pic] After 18-24 hours of incubation, the color changes that occur in each of the compartments are recorded and interpreted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The interpretation is done by determining a five-digit code from the results and then consulting a coding manual. [pic] Inoculating the tube: a. Remove the caps from both ends of the Enterotube. The tip of the wire is sterile and does not need to be flamed. b. Touch a well-isolated colony from an agar plate with the tip of the wire. c. Inoculate the Enterotube with the bacterial culture by drawing, and at the same time rotating, the wire through the 12 compartments. d. Push the wire back through the Enterotube so that the 12 chambers are re-inoculated. e. Withdraw the wire once again until the tip is in the H2S/indole compartment and then break the wire at the notch by bending it back and forth. f. Replace the caps but do not tighten.