Sunday, December 29, 2019

Children And Disabled Students With Disabilities - 950 Words

There is a numerous amount of disabled children and disabled students around the nation, who are in need of care. Most of them understand that receiving a good education is a key factor of happiness and success. At the same time, the issue of the importance of including disabled students to the schools for normal children is very questionable, and there are quite a few cons and pros. Have you ever questioned how students with disabilities feel? Have you question why students with disabilities are excluded from classrooms. Not everyone is passionate about bringing students with disabilities into a normal classroom environment. Let s begin with defining the terms students with disabilities. Students with disabilities mean children or students who require special education because of: autism; communication disorders; emotional disturbances; hearing impairments, specific learning disabilities; traumatic brain injuries; or visual impairments, including blindness. What is inclusion? What is exclusion? Inclusion is defined as the action or state of including or being part of a group or structure. Exclusion is having children with disabilities attend special education institution, that will accommodate their needs. Should students with disabilities be excluded from other non-disabilities classrooms? My belief is students with disabilities and non-disabilities should be i n the same environment and learning all together as one. What benefits will students with disabilities have ifShow MoreRelatedChildren With Special Needs Should Spend Most Of The Time With Non Disabled Kids1643 Words   |  7 Pages Akhmadullina 1 Children with special needs should spend most of the time with non disabled kids Children with special needs are slightly different from non disabled kids, but it should not be a barrier between non disabled kid and child with disabilities. Special needs cover a wide range. Some are a children with physical disability who use wheelchair or cane. Other with learning disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder or emotional disorder. Children with special needs areRead MoreChildren With Special Needs Should Spend Most Time With Non Disabled Children1578 Words   |  7 PagesWriting 1 November 2015 Children with special needs should spend most time with non-disabled children Children with special needs are slightly different from non-disabled kids, but they’re should not be a barrier between non-disabled children and children with disabilities. Special needs covers a wide range. Some children with physical disabilities use wheelchair, or cane while other children with learning disabilities such as, autism, or emotional disorder. Children with special needs areRead MoreEqual Education for Special Needs Children931 Words   |  4 PagesAll students deserve to receive the proper help to get the education they desire. There shouldn’t be any separation between some students that have physical, mental, emotional, or no problem at all. There are children with variations of disabilities. The children with severe disabilities may not be able to get the equal education because it takes more effort than the ones with low levels of disability. As for the low-mild disabled children, they could be included in the classrooms with children thatRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Orders1729 Words   |  7 PagesIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act orders all states to give disabled students a free and appropriate education. Many schools in the United States mainstream disabled students and have succeeded in properly educating them, along with creating a safe environment where they are socially comfortable and accepted. However, there are too many incidents where teachers improperly handle these students and administrators do not give enough money to fund adequate supplies for these students. Although disabledRead MoreInclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities Essay1618 Words   |  7 Pagesplacement of disabled children in a general classroom setting for the entire school day and two, inclusion can be defined as the placement of disabled students into a general classroom setting for part of the day while they are placed in a special setting during the other part of the day (Spafford and Gros ser, 1998). Parents and teachers have been debating the issue of full inclusion of disabled students in public schools since the passing of the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975Read MoreThe Importance of Education for Children with Disability Essay1464 Words   |  6 PagesEducation and Disability INTRODUCTION The importance of education for all children, especially for those with disability and with limited social and economic opportunities, is indisputable. Indeed, the special education system allowed children with disability increased access to public education. Apart from that, the special education system has provided for them an effective framework for their education, and for the institutions involved to identify children with disability sooner. In turn, thisRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act as an Effect on Students with Disabilities759 Words   |  3 Pageslaw will impact students with disabilities. There has been confusion and misinformation about NCLB requirements for children with disabilities. Myths have developed. The National Association of Protection Advocacy (NAPAS) has attempted to dispel these â€Å"myths† and misperceptions and to establish the â€Å"realities† (Smith, 2004). Inclusion consists of placing disabled or â€Å"learning-impaired† students in general education classrooms and integrating their learning experience with students in the generalRead MoreThe Education For All Handicapped Children Act (Eha) Had957 Words   |  4 Pagesfor all Handicapped Children Act (EHA) had an overall goal of desegregating disabled children in schools, as well as work on integrating them in classrooms with their non-disabled peers. Until the Civil Rights Movement, not much attention was brought to the fact that children with disabilities had very little rights and were kept isolated and not given a proper education, if any at all. Because of the attention brought to the poor and unjust treatment of children with disabilities and the significantRead More Exceptional Students Essay1534 Words   |  7 PagesExceptional Students Every year there are changes made about a child’s education, in the attempt to provide the best education possible for children. In recent years, the education of students with disabilities, who were previously not educated in the regular school system, has been publicly debated. The idea of inclusion, or mainstreaming has received a great deal of support. Although there is the need to adapt programs and sometimes classroom environments for the child with special needsRead MoreImproving The Accessibility Of Education For Disabled Children1297 Words   |  6 Pageseducation for disabled children MAIN SUBMITTER: Morocco Deeply emphasizing the fact that there are more than one billion people around the world, of whom nearly 93 million are children, live with some form of disability, Concerned about the inequalities persons with disabilities experience in their daily lives causing them to have fewer opportunities to access a quality education that takes place in an inclusive environment due to societies’ misperception of different forms of disability and the limited

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Health Promotion For Young Children And Their Families

Intro- â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.† WHO- World Health Organisation. According to the World Health Organisation, â€Å"health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.† There are many different health promotion campaigns such as Change 4 Life, which is a campaign to increase children’s activity levels and get them to eat healthier; it does this through various different ways such as online recipes, sending out leaflets and promotional letters. It is mainly aimed at young children and†¦show more content†¦Some people who could be seen to be not as physically healthy may be people with Down’s syndrome or people who suffer from Anorexia. Anorexia, although it is a disease of the mind, it then has a physical effect on the body as the sufferer tends to restrict the amount of food they eat as they try to reduce their body weight and keep it as low as possible, they have a tendency to make themselves vomit and they exercise excessively. Starving the body of food and loosing too much weight stops your organs from functioning and also has an effect of the physical appearance of the individual, for example they may start to lose hair, their skin may become dry and yellowish, their fingernails and toenails start to become brittle and about a third of people with serious weight loss tend to acquire fine, soft hairs on their face and body. Intellectual Being intellectually healthy involves the ability to think coherently and clearly, to be able to organise thoughts logically, and also involves the ability to process information efficiently. The way a person thinks and handles a situation also indicates their mental health. A mentally healthy person is able to concentrate and keep focused on a task for a prolonged period of time; they are able to listen and think more effectively and tend to be more attentive. Intellectually healthy people also

Friday, December 13, 2019

What Is Community Work Free Essays

What Is Community Work? Through this essay I will try to create a greater understanding of the term ‘community work’. I will begin with a short summary from two studies which help define the term on a broad basis. I will follow this by an explanation of the various approaches which can be used in community work. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Community Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will highlight the importance the community and voluntary sector have in social partnership in Ireland today. I will also discuss how funding, or a lack of it, impacts on essential services. Whether or not volunteers are an essential part of community work. I will also discuss the possible consequence of losing some of these organisations as a result of cuts in funding. Finally by looking at the work of ‘Community Platform’ I will show how, through a shared vision they hope to create a better Ireland through their work in the community. To understand what community work is it is first necessary to understand the various definitions of community. While this may seem apparent initially, upon closer inspection one will discover that there is no clear consensus. What we do know is that as Hillery, a sociologist working in the 1950s pointed out, all 94 definitions of community referred to people (Mayo 1994). Varley (1988) defines these more concisely into three categories. ?Communities defined in purely special or geographical term. ?Communities defined as relationships that occur within a specific locality. ?Communities defined as relationships which may occur within or transcend conventional geographical boundaries. Working within these categories community workers seek to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need to effect change in their own communities. We will look at detailed examples of this later. I will first explain my understanding of the five main strands or approaches identified by David A Thomas (1993) in his study of community work in the early 1980s: Community Action: this requires people from a community to come together, recognising the problems that their community faces and taking action to reduce these problems. This approach can have a range of benefits. It helps those individuals involved to develop skills and claim ownership of the outcome. An example of this is when residents come together to campaign for speed bumps or lower speed limits in the area. Community Development: this requires people coming together to develop a range of practices to help improve local conditions, especially for people in disadvantaged situations. It helps people to participate in public decision making and thus achieve greater control of their circumstances. An example of this is when residents turn an area that was once used for anti-social behaviour into a playground for children. This creates a safer environment for local people. Social Planning: this is a process that is carried out through identifying strengths and weaknesses in a community. This is done by designing and implementing programmes, which help to improve the quality of life in that community. It usually involves the action of a political, legal, or recognized voluntary body. An example of this is when an area is identified as having a very large increase in children. This information is acted on and a new school is built in the area. Community Organisation involves various community or welfare agencies working with or without the involvement of statutory authorities, supporting joint initiatives. An example of this is when organisations connect through managing, sponsoring and improving the work of various bodies. This may be carried out at a local, regional or national level. Community Care primarily focuses on the area of healthcare for the disabled, the elderly and the very young. It is a model that encourages members of the community to be active participants in helping themselves. In some cases community care may use professionals in conjunction with volunteers. In other cases volunteers may manage projects with little or no involvement from professionals. Now that we have an understanding of the various definitions of community and have explored the different approaches of community work, we will now look at the how this work is structured in Ireland today with the help of social partnership. Social partnership was set up in Ireland in 1987. Its membership was initially limited to the government, businesses, trade unions and farmers. Organisations representing the unemployed and those experiencing poverty and inequality protested that their members did not benefit from the agreements and so began to lobby to be included in the 1996 negotiations. It was decided in 2000, by the Fianna Fail government, that inclusion of community and voluntary organisations was the way forward. Eight organisations were successful in their efforts when they were selected by the Government to become the Community Voluntary Pillar – the fourth social partnership pillar. It is now made up of seventeen representative organisations. This pillar represents huge progress for marginalised people. Although it is important to remember that in order to make a sustainable difference the voice these organisations have been give, must be listened to. While in theory social partners can be involved in both policy making and implementation of such policy, it is argued ( Meade 2005) that because community and voluntary organisations lack economic clout, they have been granted only marginal influence over the substance of policy decisions. Popples theory in â€Å"Analysing community Work† (1995) states â€Å"Most practitioners are employed in one way or another by the state therefore acting with particular instructions or authority, so that they could be considered to be a subordinate branch of the dominant ‘organic’ intellectuals. Whilst on the other hand the fact that they can be at odds with the dominant ideology and are encouraging individuals and groups to articulate their own discourse means that they do not fully agree with the dominant system. † While it is important that the government is involved and provides subsidises to the voluntary and community sector at a national and community level, it is also fair to say that participation by volunteers in the local community is equally important as they understand what the community requires at a grass roots level. As the Mayfield Community Development Project in Cork advocates, it is fundamental to ask the local people what they need, to encourage as much participation as possible. Cullen (1989) observes that participative community development projects counterbalance the bigness and the bureaucracy of state run welfare agencies. In other words, if the recipients of these services are involved, these agencies become less intimidating and more user-friendly. This approach empowers people to be involved in identifying and meeting their own needs. Although participation from volunteers in the local community is vital, problems can surface when local communities come to rely heavily on the support provided by these volunteers. An example of this occurred when an introduction of community care policies led to reductions in the provision of state sponsored residential care and thus increased the demands on already pressured carers. This issue is particularly relevant today due to the current economic climate. The government is seeking to cut their expenditure in many areas, including the community and voluntary sectors. An Bord Snip Nua’s proposed cuts in funding for community and voluntary organisations will effectively amount to a huge reduction in funding for essential public services. The proposed cut of 64% in the allocation for community and voluntary sector supports, will weaken community and voluntary organisation’s capacity to deliver essential services to the most vulnerable people in society. Which raises the following questions, ? Is the government relying on volunteers too heavily? ? Is lack of funding going to break down the fabric of the community work network in Ireland? ? What are the potential consequences of the proposed cuts? Only in time, will we discover the true answers to these questions but for now let us look at the evidence that is available to us today. Undoubtedly the Governments reliance on volunteers within the community is very apparent. It is important to remember that very often we would not have these volunteers, without the recruitment strategies that are put in place by professionals. It is also crucial volunteers are monitored and get the support they need to carry out their work effectively. Without the funded professional element in community work, it is possible that the quality of service may be compromised. This may result in volunteers becoming over worked by carrying out the duties of the paid professionals. This can lead to volunteers being under too much pressure to carry out their vital work. A consequence of this may be the closure of much needed services, which will impact greatly on society in general. This may lead to a more segregated community with an increased level of problems such as anti-social behaviour and mental health issues to name just two. This is why in my opinion, it is essential to have both professional and voluntary workers in the community for a cohesive approach to the various issues. It is important at this point to examine the vital community work that may be affected by these cuts. I am using the organisation Community Platform as an example. This is an organisation which facilitates both community and voluntary organisations to come together through one voice at a national level. Publishing its pre-budget submission (2010), the Community Platform said that making the poor poorer in order to try to balance the books made absolutely no sense and would have disastrous and costly social consequences. Community platform currently has 29 members that work together to address poverty, social exclusion and inequality. Funding is provided to the Community Platform by the Department of Community, Rural ; Gaeltacht Affairs. The vision of the Community Platform is an Ireland that is inclusive, sustainable and equal. Working closely with all of its members it aims to develop and promote this vision through shared analysis. The following groups are just a small example of the essential services that come under the community platform umbrella: ?Age Action Ireland. Rape Crises Network Ireland. ?Simon Communities of Ireland. ?Womens Aid. ?Community Workers’ Co-operative. By looking at some of the essential services that Community Platform facilitate we can see just how important this community work is and the key services that may suffer because of these cuts. As a result of my studies I have ascertained that community work appears to be many things to many people. It can be a rewardin g experience to both the facilitator and the beneficiary. It can bring people together in the hope of improving circumstances for themselves or others. It can help people to achieve their goals for their community by coming together through one voice. It may be a carried out by a paid professional or a volunteer. Both of which have their own merit. Government support and funding are imperative to sustain the level of help that is needed in the community. However it is evident that when both professionals and volunteers work together, greater results can be achieved. Community work is essential in society to help improve living conditions. With an emphasis on improving the conditions of marginalised, vulnerable people. Bibliography How to cite What Is Community Work, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unilever Policies Review free essay sample

Unilever is a global company which produces great amount of products every-day consumption. It has such brands as Lipton, Calve, Knorr, Dove, Rexona, Sunsilk, Domestos, etc. As you can see from this list this company is a real giant not only because it spreads its influence on a plenty of product markets, but is also known in different geographical areas. It has sustainable presence in more than 100 countries. Its corporate social responsibility system is aimed at 3 main spheres: customer relations, impact on environment, employees loyalty. Environmentally-friendly approach Unilever products are life-meaningfully dependent from water. For producing any kind of Unilever product, not only supplier but the company uses huge amount of water. As Unilever is concerned about decreasing resources of fresh water on the planet, it obliges its suppliers and all the plants all around the world to use water reasonably to minimize the damage to the nature. Employment policy Unilever is proud of everyone working in each of the numerous plants all over the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Unilever Policies Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most important spheres of concern are labor security, hygiene and appropriate working conditions. As Unilever says, it implements new technologies to simplify the job of everyone. According to the special annual corporate review â€Å"Unilever sustainable living plan†, Unilever spends millions of dollars every year on inventory of new technologies which can possibly improve the working conditions of its employees as well as the quality of life of everyone on this planet. Customer health and fitness As well as positioning its products as healthy and appropriate for people with different health diseases, Unilever provides its customers with advice about how to achieve healthy life-style and keep the body fit and energetic. You can see these recommendations on different brochures and even on the packs of products. This is how Unilever helps the society to fight obesity, cancer and other dangerous hazards of our century. All the written above here was summarized from the official site of Unilever. And on the first sight everything seems OK, but surfing the Internet I encountered on terrible article about employee treatment in Pakistan. There are a lot of plants of tea production on the territory of Pakistan (brands Lipton and Brooke Bond). But only 22 out of 700 employees of the factory in Khaneval work on the permanent basement. Formally Unilever doesn’t break any legal policy, as it rewards the employees the minimum allowable wage, but at the same time these workers has no right to appeal the working scheme as it doesn’t provide them with rewards on illness and to earn this minimum wage they should work 26 days a month. But being outsourced these workers has no opportunity to beat this scheme except for strikes. To my mind, such huge company as Unilever which has global presence shouldn’t use such â€Å"dirty† schemes of cost-cutting. Instead of this it should give the workers the right to outspeak their mind by creating special committee, defending the rights of these workers, because the problem is not in financial motivator but in peoples’ meaningfulness to this company. If there is no way for me to complain, how can I be meaningful for my company

Thursday, November 28, 2019

System Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department Essay Example

System Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department Essay Introduction In the previous section of this service request system solution proposal, we cited Riordan Manufacturing current position in the global plastics manufacturing market as an existing world leader, that has every intent to maintain that namesake by continuing to develop its technology both o the production line as well as behind the scenes where it supports those individuals that work hard every day to keep Riordan Manufacturing in the upper echelon, elite class of global business that are providing for the world’s needs in mass quantities on a daily basis. Riordan Manufacturing started out as a small, licensing Dr Riodan’s patents, but it has grown into a strong corporation that employs over 500 professionals in its offices located in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, San Jose, California and it’s international office located in Hangzhou, China. The company’s growth over the last two decades and its resulting assets are considerable. For example, the companies assets are valued at over $1 billion. After receiving a service request from Hugh McCauley, the corporate operations officer for Riordan Manufacturing, who expressed a desire to enhance the level of technology used at Riordan Manufacturing, wanted our company to analyze Riordan Manufacturing’s current human resources technology in-place in that department and consolidate the array of applications they currently use into a single, integrated system that will serve their functional needs and introduce their employees to the latest technology. We will write a custom essay sample on System Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on System Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on System Design for Riordan Manufacturing Human Resources Department specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Our team understands Riordan Manufacturing’s need for new technology and their desire to expose their personnel to the latest, cutting-edge methods available to members of the human resources management environment, so that those same tools and methods may be exposed to their human resources personnel and exploited in every imaginable way to make Riordan Manufacturing more productive by giving their employees an enhanced sense of peace of mind by managing their employment-related issues more quickly, thoroughly and effectively through the implementation and subsequent application of cutting-edge technology. Riordan Manufacturing is quite aware that keeping pace with the changes of the global marketplace and the increasing demands created by a growing population can only be realistically met by investing heavily in technology, not just in the manufacturing plants and on the assembly lines, but also in the areas of logistical support, such as the human resources department. Application Architecture The current system being used in the human resources department of Riordan Manufacturing is marginally capable of handling the information management needs of the company. The first step in designing a completely new system is to upgrade the HRIS software they currently have installed. Recycling their current system will save considerable financial resources. As well, there will not be a need to purchase a completely new application, so training requirements will also be minimized. We must also keep in mind during the design of the new information system, that per the service request, SR-rm-004, Riordan Manufacturing explicitly expressed the desire to keep their current application but wants to integrate everything into a consolidated, unified system, â€Å" Analyze the HR system to integrate the existing variety of tools in use today into a single integrated application. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Riordan, 2011). Nonetheless, there will still be a need for some measure of training. Since the current HRIS will be upgraded to the latest version its likely that there will be some issues with familiarity of the enhanced version of the HRIS application. Also, since there were various instances of data management being accomplished on separate computer systems using an assortment of different applications, such as Microsoft Excel, there is a fairly good chance that all of the capabilities of the HRIS application were not being utilized in the first place. Consequently, we expect a need for proficiency training for the current staff. That training should cover both the basic functionality of HRIS as well as the advanced concepts in order to maximize Riordan Manufacturings investment in the human resources application. The architecture of the final solution system will be a single HRIS application that will provide specialized interfaces for several groups of users. There will be one type of interface configured especially for the Riordan Manufacturing human resources administrative staff working directly in that department. There will be another interface designed for the Riordan Manufacturing employees that do not work in the human resources department. There will be an interface for the personnel working in Hangzhou and finally, there will be an interface for the off-site contractor handling the Workers’ Compensation claims and benefits. Despite the fact that all of the interfaces access the same database, the interface configuration for each group of users differs in terms of data accessibility and language support. The human resources administrative staff needs access to all of the records for each employee. Additionally, the human resources staff needs to be able to store, manipulate and generate reports from the collateral data indirectly related to employment records, such as job classifications, policies and procedures, Equal Employment Opportunity data, personal employee files, promotions, benefits tracking and accounting data, organizational relationships and hierarchies, employee handbook data, specific communications, tax data and other various data types and classifications of data that bear some direct or indirect relationship to employment condition. So, all employee-related information is kept in a single, consolidated database, which is accessible by the appropriate personnel or contractors. Furthermore, to describe the system architecture more specifically, read and write data access is dependent on the job title or business role of data requester. Security Controls There should exist two distinct security and control infrastructures. Norton AntiVirus 2011 will be installed on all systems company-wide. It has a proven track record of thorough, reliable virus protection, while minimizing the demand on system resources. It was also selected by professional reviewers over all other market competitors, â€Å" Reviewers say Norton Anti-Virus 2011 is the best antivirus software currently available. It gets top marks from experts, †¦ a Gold award from AV-Comparatives. org Norton earns excellent marks for removing malware and spyware is much less of a resource hog than it was in previous years. Installation is fast and easy, and the interface is easier to navigate. Experts note little impact on system performance and say the software runs unobtrusively in the background without disrupting programs or applications ConsumerSearch (2011) Process Design Instead of using seperate applications or paper forms (which can be damaged or lost), personal information will be entered directly into the database by the employees. the interfaces will be modified so that data types are monitored by the HRIS application to ensure that meaningless information is not entered in the database inadvertently. Also each use r will be required to login to the system so the application know which interface to display on the users’ computer display. The login identification control algorithm will interpret the classification of the user during login and the associated interface will control the language and the access rights of the user accordingly. So, for example, if an employee that normally works in China has temporarily been assigned to work in the Pontiac, Michigan office and needs to make an adjustment to his employee information because his wife gave birth while he was away, he could login to the HRIS system in Michigan and the interface would give him the appropriate data privileges and will display all of the information in Chinese. The HRIS database will now act as the central repository for all human resources-related information and will consolidate data from all personnel in all offices throughout the corporation, including the contractors’ office that manages the Workers’ Compensation benefits. References Riordan Manufacturing, Service Request SR-rm-004, (2011). ttps://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/VOP/Service%20Requests/RiordanSR/riordanSR004. htm ConsumerSearch (2011) http://www. consumersearch. com/antivirus-software Apollo Group. (2003, 2004, 2006). Riordan Manufacturing. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Riordan/RioMfgHome002. htm

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Maldonado Surname Meaning and Origin - Family History

Maldonado Surname Meaning and Origin - Family History Maldonado is a nickname used to indicate an individual who was ugly or ignorant, from the Spanish mal donado meaning ill favored, from mal, meaning badly, plus donado, meaning given, endowed. Maldonado was also sometimes a habitational surname, indicating someone who came from Maldonado, a village in the province of Albacete, Spain. Maldonado is the 51st most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin:  Spanish, Portuguese Alternate Surname Spellings: de Maldonado, Maldanado, de Maldanado, Maledanado, de Maledanado, Maldolado, Moldonado, Baldonado, Montano, Valdonado, Valdonao, Maldonao Where Do People With the MALDONADO Surname Live? According to WorldNames  PublicProfiler  the majority of individuals with the Maldonado surname live in Argentina, followed by concentrations in Spain, the United States, France, and Switzerland. Forebears includes surname distribution data from many additional countries, and it identifies Maldonado as most prevalent in Mexico and most common in Puerto Rico, where it ranks 23rd in the nation. The Maldanado variant is most common in the United States. Famous People Pastor Rafael Maldonado - Venezuelan Formula One driverAbel Maldonado – American politician, 48th Lieutenant Governor of CaliforniaCandido Candy Maldonado – former American Major League Baseball outfielderJosà © Maldonado - Puerto Rican revolutionaryDiego Maldonado -  captain under Spanish  explorer  Hernando de Soto Genealogy Resources The following articles contain additional useful information: 100 Common Hispanic Surnames Their MeaningsGarcia, Martinez, Rodriguez, Lopez, Hernandez... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 100 common Hispanic last names? How to Research Hispanic HeritageLearn how to get started researching  your Hispanic ancestors, including the basics of family tree research and country specific organizations, genealogical records, and resources for Spain, Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean and other Spanish speaking countries. Maldonado Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Maldonado family crest or coat of arms for the Maldonado surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   Family Tree DNA: Maldonado Family DNA ProjectThis ancestral DNA testing project aims to determine which Maldonado lines are connected and the ethnic origin of these lines. Maldonado Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Maldonado surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Maldonado query. FamilySearch - Maldonado GenealogyAccess over 1.2 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Maldonado surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GeneaNet - Maldonado RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Maldonado surname, with a concentration on records and families from France, Spain, and other European countries. Maldonado Surname Family Mailing ListsThis free mailing list for researchers of the Maldonado surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. - Maldonado Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Maldonado. The Maldonado Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Maldonado from the website of Genealogy Today. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Burning of Fossil Fuels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Burning of Fossil Fuels - Essay Example This act has been faced by many criticisms but at the same time the environmentalists have deemed it necessary for reducing global warming. In this paper we shall discuss the pros and cons of this EPA policy and its impact on the environment as well as its social impacts. The burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, has led to emission of greenhouses in excessive amounts. Although the green house is essential for our survival as it keeps the earth surface warmer but release of excessive gasses in the atmosphere will increase the temperature of the Earth’s surface from 3.2 to 7.2?F above 1990 levels by the end of this century. This will not have an adverse effect on the environment but will also badly affect people, plants and animals. The Federal government of U.S is continuously working towards its aim to stop global warming. Many measures are been taken by them, one of which is reduce the emissions of CO2 by the coal power plants and encouraging the use of natural gas for power plants. These measures are definitely necessary for preserving the environment. It will save thousands of lives from various diseases- heart and lung diseases, malaria, smog diseases, chronic bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs and so on. Our children will grow up as healthier individuals without having to face the diseases in their childhood. Furthermore it will restore back the nature to its original form.